
GoldPaws project

Today, we have concluded the GoldPaws project, celebrating a 2-year journey of close collaboration between Luma Metall, Materia Nova, and IONICS.

Leveraging Luma Metall's expertise in producing and customizing ultrafine wires for electronics, antennas, and medical equipment, combined with Materia Nova's skills in developing cutting-edge and sustainable technologies, and IONICS' industrialization capacity for surface treatment techniques, we have achieved remarkable results by PVD coating of ultrathin wires with the compounds that are not feasible through conventional electroplating.

Applying a homogenous functional coating to ultrafine wires presents significant challenges, however, by specially adapting cathodes and designing a modular system, we were able to successfully develop a process that can be used for industrial-scale coating or ion implantation of such fine wires.

This achievement would not have been possible without the support from M.ERA.NET fund, which enabled this valuable collaboration. We are looking forward to continuing our partnership across future projects and commercial endeavors.

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